Thursday, July 29, 2010

I need a nap

I read a blog post the other day about the death of the blog post. It made me think about my sad, sad blog that has been woefully ignored for the past year. Here is the deal - I went to Germany, sold a house, bought a new house, worked my tail off, had a baby, taught that baby to sit up, worked a little bit more, tweeted a lot - did I mention I had a baby? those suckers are time consuming - started a baby blog, worked even more.  Whatever. There is no excuse, but dude, I have been doing other things besides blogging about work. But I think I will start again.

Just so everyone is clear on what I am working on, I am leading Bluetooth and Gemalto, playing along on ACCIONA and Nuventix and crossing my fingers pretty tight on some new business I am excited about. 

Btw - that last blog post I wrote - the one about never blogging again - that is a delightful blog post. I am so clever sometimes.