Tuesday, June 26, 2007

If you give them enough rope...

Over the past couple of months, I have been kind of tracking how things move over blogs or through the blogsphere. Btw, I decided I hate the term blogsphere, but as it turns out, if you are writing a blog about blogging, well, I am screwed. So anyway, my interest was peaked with the Kathy Sierra/Chris Locke/death threats incident - I literally couldn't get enough. I read hundreds of blog posts ranting, raving, supporting and bashing the entire affair. And they all popped up in about 24 hours.

A couple weeks back I became obsessed with the Vimeo kids, the crazies in NYC who invented (I think) a thing called
lip-dubbing, all because Mike Arrington thought they were clever and mentioned them on CrunchNotes. Anyway, I kept an eye on this one from the very beginning and sure enough, within a day or so of Mike's post, the ‘flag pole sitta’ video was everywhere. So, my point is, things move fast when they catch fire in the blogsphere (ick).

However, the thing most likely to ignite these days is the ridiculous fights. As of right now,
Fred Wilson is fighting two different blog wars (one because he said something about entrepreneurs usually being young and another because Microsoft put out some ads that, apparently, Valleywag wasn't capable of discerning as ads). Of course, Valleywag didn't just take on Fred, they involved Om Malik who apologized and took down the ads, then CNet and their merry band of bloggers jumped on the argument and now Mike Arrington is all kinds of pissed.

It just makes me wonder, if we give them enough rope, do you think they will hang each other?

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