Thursday, June 28, 2007

What the hey, Stevie? You got a problem with the ‘tooth?

In the interest of full disclosure, transparency and all the other buzz words that are almost as annoying as blogsphere, I work for a PR firm and we represent the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. I am, without a doubt, biased. I have been working on the Bluetooth SIG account for over three years and I have a huge soft-spot in my heart for the short-range wireless technology.

Seriously, Mr. Jobs, what is your deal with Bluetooth? I know there are all sorts of arguments for why you DON’T include Bluetooth wireless technology in your devices (for those of you who don’t follow this, they range from ‘the white wire is as much a part of the iPod brand as the apple’ to ‘Bluetooth would drain the battery’) but I just don’t get it with the iPhone. I do not understand. You did implement Bluetooth – well done there. But then you pulled a Verizon and crippled the hell out of it – what gives? I suppose the majority of the people that buy the iPhone won’t be concerned with the lack of object push or printing profile, but come on – A2DP? Seriously, what gives? No one cares about the silly white wire, Bluetooth’s battery consumption lessens with every new introduction of the spec and really, everyone wants to wear an O ROKR (well, maybe not, but I love mine), and come on – IT IS A MUSIC PHONE! What are you doing? I just don’t understand. And what makes it even more frustrating is you do such a fabulous job implementing the technology into your notebooks. I am just so confused. I have been telling people for weeks, “Surely it will support A2DP – I mean, how could it not? It is a $500 phone.” But apparently I know absolutely nothing.


Anonymous said...

Blair - you're right. Had you been in the blogosphere just a few weeks ago, maybe I would have come to my senses in time. How about a free phone? Or maybe an iDildo? Love, Steve

Anonymous said...

Even more annoying, the iPhone doesn't work with most headphones without a (huge and very ugly) adapter. It has a recessed headphone port.

So, conceivably, people might really prefer using wireless headphones to buying one of these:

(You can't tell from the picture, but this thing is almost as big as the phone.)

If only that whole A2DP thing worked...