Friday, September 21, 2007

You say hello, they say goodbye...

I stumbled into a career in public relations…it says so right in my bio on the INK web page. It is, without a doubt, a job I have developed quite a taste for in the past 3 years or so, but it definitely wasn’t a calling I felt since high school. Regardless, there are things about public relations that I immensely enjoy. In the last year, my interest has focused on trying to understand the blogosphere and trends in digital media. I love blogs. I love digital media. I am delighted everyday by the endless opinions that can be found on the web, as well as the often un-monitored feedback from readers. I am appalled and thrilled to realize I can consider myself part of the melee – and I can honestly say very few things now make me as happy as seeing a new comment on something I have written (seriously, every single person I know heard about B.Fuller leaving a comment - I think I even told random people I met in the grocery store). However, my new love is killing my original public relations love affair. From my first interview with J.Berman (when he was at EDN), to P.Mannion at EE Times ‘expecting’ my call, to L.Wirbel telling me ‘the truth about his ‘sked’ at CTIA’ – I have followed, read, respected and pitched the hell out of a group of journalists I affectionately refer to as my ‘EE guys’. I cannot wipe the smile off my face when I discuss Bluetooth, or any other technology for that matter, with these guys and they seem to, sometimes grudgingly, acknowledge that I do know what I am talking about. Unfortunately, my ‘EE guys’ are slowly being knocked off by the uproar from digital media – discussed at length here by b.fuller himself (read the comments too).

Blogosphere, you make it hard to love you…

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