Wednesday, February 11, 2009

If you light the fire, you can't then get rewarded for putting it out

I work with the Bluetooth SIG (a client of ours) - I have for what seems like forever (in actuality, it has *only* been a little over five years now, but feels like forever). The most frustrating thing I deal with working on SIG PR is this fabulous group of 'security' experts that dedicate time, money and develop specific technology to hack Bluetooth (the horribly over-rated Bluejacking is a perfect example), put out a press release and do a huge media push screaming that the sky is falling. CHICKEN LITTLE, CHICKEN LITTLE - THE SKY IS FALLING - IF YOU HAVE BLUETOOTH, YOU ARE CERTAIN TO LOSE YOUR IDENTITY! BEWARE, BEWARE. Then these guys come to the SIG, "Hey, if you pay us, we will handle this crisis for you." Thanks guys - I appreciate you offering to put out the fire you started. It has always infuriated me.

There is a similar situation going on with United Airlines and Jason Tryfon right now, and I am honestly curious - does this make anyone else uneasy? Brief background: Jason had a bad time with a United flight attendant, he tweeted it, his tweet kicked off a small firestorm of 'I hate united' tweets, Jason wrote a blog post about how United needs social media help, now he has his sales staff cold calling United offering their services. I do not know Jason Tryfon at all, but I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he didn't start this (post the initial tweet) just to pick a fight that he could later use to his benefit. In fact, I am pretty positive he just posted a tweet because that is what you do when you are getting on a plane - tweet, tweet, tweet. But regardless, would it hurt his reputation to bash a company, then turn around and start pimping them? Surely this isn't a good model of how to get new business? As I said, I am just curious what others think.

I will say though, if someone came up to me, pushed me down and rubbed my face in the dirt, then said, "Hot damn, looks like you have dirt on your face, let me show you how to get that off" - eh, I probably wouldn't be to keen.


Unknown said...

Wow. Your job sounds awesome! I like your blog.

rebisaz said...

These are interesting cases. Great blog! And indeed, if someone starts the fire they ought not be paid to put it out. I've heard of creating a job for yourself, but please.

Starr Million Baker said...

We've talked about this, but thought I would go on the record to say NO, you cannot light the fire and then be rewarded for putting it out. I will remember this lesson when Georgia tries to become a pyromaniac - I seriously doubt I am going to reward her for putting out a fire she started (okay, that was lame, everything in the world does not have to come back to my daughter - I'm new at this first-time mom thing, cut me some slack). Regardless, my answer is still NO to your very thoughtful and well posed question. (Let me know if you'd like me to remove this comment from your blog. ;-))

blair said...

Have you been drinking, Starr? If G turns out to be a pyro, I think you are going to have bigger things on your mind then remembering a blog post I drafted, huh?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention. Social media's transparency has brought many people front and center, including brands. The true case of the incident on the flight certainly sparked viral transmission, however, my followers seemed to have felt it was necessary to re-count and add their opinions. This is why companies today need to look beyond traditional methodologies of surveying and obtain the instant forms of dissatisfaction before they actually become "a burnt landscape". The hand I extended (free by the way) was to help them understand this - which I can tell you after being contacted by them is something of value. Am I gods gift to SM consulting? Certainly not, however I did put my own time, name on the line to offer anyway I can.

Hope this helps put clarity to the situation. Great post.


blair said...

Hey Jason, thanks for the feedback and clarification - I thought I was already following you on twitter, but apparently not, so I fixed that.

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