Friday, June 22, 2007

enter with a wimper...

The blogsphere gives me a headache - mostly because in my line of work (public relations - I know, I know) clients are always asking me how to get coverage in blogs, and while I have a few good suggestions, over and over again I am told by those who blog that the only way to understand the blogsphere is to become part of it - so here I am. After years of lurking, I am casting my own line into the blog sea. You win, blogs - you win. Way to claim another victim.


Unknown said...

Hey, what kind of dufusses do you work with?? That chick on the right of the front row looks like she's about to have a seizure.

blair said...

Ya know, I think she did have a seizure moments after this picture was taken. The jury is still out, but I am pretty sure it resulted in pretty severe brain damage.