Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Why Mike Arrington is fly and I am not

a) I link back and discover things way too late. The blogsphere (seriously - shoot me) has moved on and yet here I am harping on why fighting isn't conducive to a happy blogging family and linking to week old articles.

b) If I could sell my blog "for 20 million and go live in Hawaii the rest of my life," there is absolutely nothing that could possibly motivate me not to do so immediately. I guess this is why, this is why, this why M.A. is hot.

UPDATE - There are, apparently, many other reasons why I am not hot (hot, in this case, referencing a good blogger)

c) write out Mike Arrington rather than saying M.A.
d) clearly explain it is important for my readers (the many thousands of you) to read the link prior to reading on in my post
e) I need to be more blatant in my mockery of hip-hop music

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