Friday, July 27, 2007

Crazy in the corner has a part in the show...

Oh my faithful, I am so sorry I have been away. If you feel as if I have deserted you, please do not despair, I am always thinking of you – even if I am not posting. So, I was in NYC last week (I’m kind of a big deal – video link coming soon) and then I have spent the majority of this weekend outfitting Darrell K. with Bluetooth, so I am a little swamped. I should have my head above water early next week and I will be able to start posting regularly again.

Just a little story to tide you over: In NYC this past weekend my sister, her boyfriend and I went to the
Village Vanguard to watch the Barry Harris trio play. Very enjoyable and a pretty eclectic audience, so interesting people watching as well. Andrew later pointed out there appeared to be a large Scandinavian representation in the audience. I didn’t notice this because I was too delighted by, what appeared to be, an incredibly eccentric groupie sitting right up front. Decked out in her Sunday best and I believe wearing every necklace she had ever owned in her life, she sat next to the stage, eyes closed, nodding in appreciation and smiling quite blissfully. When Barry opted to take the mike and sing rather than play the piano, her face quite literally became flush with excitement and sure enough, her lead group status was confirmed when Barry paused in the song for her to tweet like a bird (a nice accent to his rendition of Embraceable You). Anyway, the trio was great, the young 10 year old they brought on to play the drums was amazing (if a bit heavy handed) and the Village Vanguard was fabulously old and authentic – but the highlight of the show was definitely the bejeweled, crazy-hair (did I mention the crazy hair part?) groupie.

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